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30 mars 2008

Go Gansu!

新京报/The Beijing News carries a Xinhua report on a new development in Gansu's wind power industry: 甘肃有望成为最大风能产业带 Gansu hopes to become because wind power production belt 酒泉1000万千瓦级风电项目获批,“风电走廊”设想渐成现实 Jiuquan's 10 million kilowatt wind power project approved,...
27 mars 2008

returning home, remembering

Xiao Han has returned home, and one of the resulting essays, on meeting old friends and classmates from times long past, is worth a read. This is his introduction: 雲邊居士按: The scholar residing by the clouds says: 回家已快十天了,短短的这些天里,我见到无数的美景,见到一些事,一些人,尤其是二十多位二十年未见的高中同学,还有小时候的邻家发小,所以忍不住要下笔记几个人,一点事。...
27 mars 2008

qingming parking

So Qingming (清明节/Tomb Sweeping Day) is coming up next Friday, and this year, for the first time in the history of the PRC, it will be a public holiday. This means that people will have time to visit their ancestors' tombs and pay their respects, and it...
24 mars 2008

scalpers beware

新京报/The Beijing News' Wang Shu reports: 倒卖奥运门票可被处劳教 Olympics ticket scalpers could be given reeducation through labour 北京警方将摸排倒票者,以开展针对性打击 Beijing police will investigate scalpers, are starting to strike in this direction 倒卖奥运门票等大型活动门票者,可被处以劳动教养等严厉处罚。北京市公安局治安总队昨日消息,即日起至残奥会结束,北京警方将在全市范围推出“打击倒卖大型活动门票违法行为统一行动”,以确保奥运会、残奥会期间比赛场馆周边的治安秩序。...
8 mars 2008


And finally I start writing stuff in Chinese again. Yesterday, having just about torn up the textbook in frustration with its sappy, sentimental, saccharine-laden texts, and having reviewed and then studied a few paragraphs of 《活着》/To Live (yes, I know,...