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24 février 2008

smashed up

smashed up
So the Guozijian archway collided with a truck last night. As one would expect, the archway, being mere wood, came off second best. Click the link to see photos of workmen taking down the broken pieces. The Beijing News/新京报's Yang Siqi reports: 国子监牌楼被撞折...
27 juillet 2007


Let's see if Live Writer will post pictures to canalblog. So far so good, but the key, of course, is whether it'll post. Alright, so I know pictures don't have a hell of a lot to do with Chinese study, but I just want to see if and how this works. So...
3 avril 2008

Uh oh

Uh oh
It's not the sky that's falling, it's the earth. 新京报/The Beijing News reports: 蓟门桥西辅路塌陷三米深坑 Three metre deep hole opens in the side road west of Jimen Bridge Now, let's see if I can get their picture in here: Looks ok... Now the text: 工作人员下坑查看情况。昨晚9时许,北三环入口蓟门桥西段的辅路中央,塌陷出约3米深坑,其周围20平方米左右的...
8 avril 2008

china fta coverage

china fta coverage
So I didn't get time to finish all I wanted to do on this post this morning, and promised I'd get back to it this afternoon. Well, the day's classes are over, the housework is done, and so here goes.... I found three articles on Xinhuanet this morning,...
9 mai 2008

tbn (L) Cui Jian

tbn (L) Cui Jian
Wow, I just noticed Cui Jian's getting a lot of love in 新京报/The Beijing News today. First is this article, reproduced, inexplicably, with a different headline and buggered up "related news" here, and another article, reproduced under the "related news"...
8 août 2007

kick starting

So I was reading �??活�??�??/To Live again this afternoon. Those who know the book will realise soon just how little progress I've been making despite all the promises I made to myself to get back into the study over the summer holiday. Anyway, I got to...
18 février 2008


One key aspect to studying, and something I've been lacking over this winter holiday, is a comfortable place to study. Even before I decided to all but abandon the university-supplied big box of 麻烦 computer and just plug in the laptop, the computer desk...
11 avril 2008

interesting headlines

So I'm trying to delay going to the office to mark tests- which desperately need to be got out of the way so I can focus on HSK prep (hahahahhahahhahahahahaha!) and I don't get swamped with the next round of tests coming- oh, straight after HSK. Anyway,...
19 mars 2007


This blog is an attempt to make me get back into the habit of studying Chinese. I hope I can keep this going. I'm not sure exactly what will go up here, but so far I'm thinking: My own attempts at writing Chinese. Questions, comments and musings on my...
21 mars 2007


It seems Canalblog has found itself on the wrong side of the Great Firewall, which is really frustrating because I just started this blog and I want to keep it going to motivate me to study Chinese. I'll see how things go, if this really is a block or...
21 mars 2007

back into the swing of things

I studied two texts from my textbook last night. The texts were fairly short and the questions not overly detailed, so it didn't take too much time. The textbook is Core Chinese Reading- Intermediate/核心阅读-中级本 edited by 刘颂浩 and 林欢, published by 华语教学出版社...
29 mars 2007


Unblocked, now, it seems. Provided the Great Firewall maintains its stability, I'll be back to regular updates of my Chinese study by tomorrow. For the time being, here's a piece I put up at my other blogs (,,...
27 juillet 2007

lazy and distracted

Alright, so I've been lazy and a bit distracted, and the promised restart of this blog hasn't happened. But relax, it's on it's way. Lately I haven't really being studying Chinese, but I have been translating stuff for posts over at my main blog (bezdomny...
7 août 2007


�?� and �? are two words that intrigue me. It seems, from the movies I've wathed (活�??/To Live being a prime example) that up until very recently they were the usual words for dad and mum. Now �?� and �? seem to be most common. But I still occasionally...
8 août 2007


lzh just passed on this warning message to me via MSN. I have no idea how truthful or accurate it may be, so take it with a grain of salt. My past experience of messages passed around China via instant message leaves me sceptical. Anyway, here goes: 急件!...
9 octobre 2007

Dazhai Spiritual

Danwei has a great post up about religion at Dazhai. It includes a translation of an article by Li Xiangping called Dazhai Builds a Temple. It's well worth reading, but there was one aspect of that article that grabbed my attention: There is a pervasive...
20 octobre 2007

half-remembered slogans, again

I was in the classroom in Teaching Building 1 for my last class yesterday morning, and glanced at the signs on either side of the blackboard. For some reason that particular room has two of these slogans that the management of Building 1 love so much....
19 février 2008

legal aid?

So I opened up The Beijing News/新京报 as part of my continued efforts to get more real-world exposure to written Chinese (beyond menus and road signs, of course), and the first headline that grabs my attention is this: 北京将建司法救助基金 Beijing will establish...
20 février 2008

salaries can't match GDP

It would seem that, in Guangdong at least, salary growth won't match GDP growth. Not good news considering all the talk of inflation, and I don't see why this phenomenon would be limited to Guangdong. This is from Nanfang Daily: 居民收入为何涨不过GDP?市发改委主任潘建国:这是体制问题...
20 février 2008

à la recherche des livres perdus

[with apologies to Proust for the awful rip-off of his title] Not sure I'm going to make it all the way through this, but I like the way Xiao Han starts this off. He's looking back at the books he read 30 years ago, inspired, in a somewhat oblique way,...
22 février 2008

not unexpected

This article in The Beijing News/新京报 should not come as a surprise: 北京开查暂住证护奥运安全 Beijing to begin investigations into temporary residence permit holders for Olympic security · 2008-2-22 8:09:26 · 来源: 新京报 22-2-2008 8:09:26. Source:...
8 mars 2008


And finally I start writing stuff in Chinese again. Yesterday, having just about torn up the textbook in frustration with its sappy, sentimental, saccharine-laden texts, and having reviewed and then studied a few paragraphs of 《活着》/To Live (yes, I know,...
24 mars 2008

scalpers beware

新京报/The Beijing News' Wang Shu reports: 倒卖奥运门票可被处劳教 Olympics ticket scalpers could be given reeducation through labour 北京警方将摸排倒票者,以开展针对性打击 Beijing police will investigate scalpers, are starting to strike in this direction 倒卖奥运门票等大型活动门票者,可被处以劳动教养等严厉处罚。北京市公安局治安总队昨日消息,即日起至残奥会结束,北京警方将在全市范围推出“打击倒卖大型活动门票违法行为统一行动”,以确保奥运会、残奥会期间比赛场馆周边的治安秩序。...
27 mars 2008

qingming parking

So Qingming (清明节/Tomb Sweeping Day) is coming up next Friday, and this year, for the first time in the history of the PRC, it will be a public holiday. This means that people will have time to visit their ancestors' tombs and pay their respects, and it...
27 mars 2008

returning home, remembering

Xiao Han has returned home, and one of the resulting essays, on meeting old friends and classmates from times long past, is worth a read. This is his introduction: 雲邊居士按: The scholar residing by the clouds says: 回家已快十天了,短短的这些天里,我见到无数的美景,见到一些事,一些人,尤其是二十多位二十年未见的高中同学,还有小时候的邻家发小,所以忍不住要下笔记几个人,一点事。...
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